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may this day be a celebration of our inner fem_ness. may this day be a manifestation of our tenderness and strength. may this day be an act of appreciation for fem_intuition, fem_care and fem_wisdom. may this all be addressed to all of us who feel, share, identify, support and love WOMAN.

may this day bring the memory of my spontaneous performance at Michelle Gurevich's concert in Cracow last year. she brought her art to cracow, her words, her voice that guides since i heard her voice.

that night, i channelled the queer spirit of love by whispering polish dirty words to empower female's sensuality - inevitable power of loving and embracing the darkness of sexual desires.

"I'll be the mirror where you are a queen

Your fellow magician of the waking dream

Hung with a hammer and a glass of wine

I'll be your woman and you can be mine."

by Michelle Gurevich

here you can have a look at the video from Michelle's concert in Cracow at Zetpete.

fot. Kamila Buturla, Off Camera Festival, Cracow, Poland, 2017.

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