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09 / 06 / 2017


i call the world for a soft transformation, for gentle touch, a wave of weightless resistance. i call for love and mutual affection. i wanna live in a world where there are no borders, where we speak poetry, where geopolitics are geopoetics, where maps are no ends, where imagination is limitless, where the time is in its lessness form, where body is one yet differ from one another. i call the world for care and generosity where love is not a fear, where we gather in togetherness yet we are individuals. i wanna live and i do, where this imagined love, a man, a partner, companion are corporeal. whatever shape it takes, and if it must shift, then let it shift rather then disappear. and this world is dance, and this world is poetry and words are erupting in its crystallized form, like continuous stream, like a sensual exchange of saliva, from mouth to mouth, from heart to eyes and from there to ears... through the palms tenderly carresing buttchicks, and the skin is stretched yet softly returns after every squeeze, and eyelashes are gentle brushes on the lips. the world, a milieu, where loneliness is shared and the longing is just a confectionery treat.

fot. Stan Barański, Performance by Vala Tanz "Once upon a time there were trees" at Krakow Art House Gallery in Krakow, 2017

fot. Jada Sirkin, still from the film "Tenderline - letters from America" directed by Vala T. Foltyn & Jada Sirkin, 2012, San Francisco

fot. Jada Sirkin, still from the film "Tenderline - letters from America" directed by Vala T. Foltyn & Jada Sirkin, 2011, San Francisco

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